Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lawfare ? Things Are Happening at the Naval War College: Cyber ...

Lots of exciting stuff going on at the Naval War College these days, in keeping with NWC?s long tradition of engagement with cutting edge legal issues.? Kudos to?Prof. Mike Schmitt (whom I am?proud to note?is a graduate of UT Law) for sparking all this activity.

First, NWC has just launched a nifty online research tool that they are calling ?Stockton,? in honor of Rear Admiral Charles H. Stockton (a pioneering Navy expert on international law and the namesake for the prestigious Stockton Chair at NWC).? Click through to check it out and you?ll find all sorts of handy resources compiled under the various tabs.

Second, NWC?s International Law Division annual?conference starts next week, and will focus on legal issues associated with armed conflict in cyberspace.? Jack, Matt, and I are all involved, as are a host of other terrific speakers.?I?ve reprinted the agenda below:??


8:30 a.m. Registration

9:00? Welcoming Remarks

Rear Admiral John N. Christenson, U.S. Navy, President, U.S. Naval War College

Professor Michael N. Schmitt, Chair, International Law Department, U.S. Naval War College

Colonel Gary Brown, U.S. Air Force, Staff Judge Advocate, U.S. Cyber Command

9:30 Panel I: An Introduction to Cyber Operations

Moderator: Lieutenant Commander Paul Walker, Judge Advocate General?s Corps, U.S. Navy, U.S. Cyber Command

Building U.S. Cyber Command ? Captain Timothy J. White, Naval Information Operations Command, Maryland

U.S. Cyber Strategy ? TBD

Intersection of Intelligence & Military Operations ? Mr. Eric Greenwald, Cyber Command J3

10:30 Break

11:00 National Security Law and Cyberspace

Professor Jack L. Goldsmith, Harvard Law School

12:00 p.m. Lunch (on own)

Brown Bag: Demonstration of Cyber Capabilities

1:30 Panel II: Organizing for Cyber Operations

Moderator: Lieutenant Colonel Lisa Gumbs, JA, U.S. Army, U.S. Cyber Command

Role of U.S. Government & the Intelligence Community in Cyber Operations ? Mr. Stewart Baker, Steptoe & Johnson

Legal Support for DoD Cyber Operations ? Mr. Mark Young, Cyber Command J5

Cyber Operations: A European Perspective ? Colonel Paul Ducheine, Netherlands Army Legal Service, Faculty of Military Sciences, Netherlands Defence Academy

3: 00 Coffee Break

3:30 Panel III: Cyber Attacks: The Operators? Perspective

Moderator: Dr. Derek Reveron, National Security Affairs, U.S. Naval War College

Military Cyber Operations ? Major Chris Walls, U.S. Army, Cyber Command J3

Threats & Vulnerabilities ? A Senior Tech Advisor, NSA TBD

U.S. Foreign Policy on Cyber ? Dr. Deborah Schneider, U.S. Department of State

6:00??Icebreaker ? Commissioned Officers? Club



8:30 a.m.? Panel IV: General Principles of International Law

Moderator: Captain Kevin Kelly, Judge Advocate General?s Corps, U.S. Navy, International Law Department

Sovereignty and Neutrality in Cyber Space ? Professor Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, Europa-Universit?t Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)

Legal Framework for Analyzing Cyber Operations ? Sir Daniel Bethlehem

Title 10/Title 50 and International Law in Cyber Warfare ? Professor Robert M. Chesney, School of Law, University of Texas

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 Panel V: Self-Defense

Moderator: Captain Peter Bowers, Royal Australian Navy

Uses of Force [2(4)] ? Ms. Alexandra Perina, U.S. Department of State

Armed Attack ? Professor Matthew Waxman, Columbia University

Anticipatory Self-Defense ? Professor Terry D. Gill, Amsterdam Center for International Law, University of Amsterdam

12:15 p.m. Lunch (on own)

1:45 Panel VI: Cyber Conflict and the Law of Armed Conflict

Moderator: Colonel Gary Brown, U.S. Air Force, Staff Judge Advocate, U.S. Cyber Command

Classification of Cyber Conflict ? Professor Michael N. Schmitt, Chair, International Law Department, U.S. Naval War College

Cyber War Actors ? Professor Vijay Padmanabhan, Vanderbilt University

Command Responsibility ? Major General Charles J. Dunlap, Jr., U.S. Air Force (Ret.), Duke University

3:15? Coffee Break

3:30? Panel VII: Cyber Attacks: The Law

Moderator: Commodore Andrew Jameson, Royal Navy

Lawful Targets ? Professor Noam Lubell, Essex University

Proportionality and Precautions in Attack ? Professor Eric T. Jensen, Brigham Young University

Methods and Means of Cyber Warfare ? Air Commodore William Boothby, Royal Air Force (Ret.)


8:30 a.m.? Panel VIII: Beyond International Armed Conflict

Moderator: Captain (N) Genevi?ve Bernatchez, Office of the Judge Advocate General, Canada

Non-international Armed Conflict ? Professor Robin Geiss, Potsdam University

Counter-Terrorism ? Professor William Banks, Syracuse University

Peace Operations ? Professor Jann Kleffner, Swedish National Defence College

9:45 Coffee Break

10:15 Panel IX: The Road Ahead?

Moderator: Professor Dennis Mandsager, International Law Department, U.S. Naval War College

Professor Kenneth Watkin, International Law Department, U.S. Naval War College

Dr. Cordula Droege, International Committee of the Red Cross

Professor Michael J. Glennon, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

11:45 Concluding Thoughts: Professor Yoram Dinstein, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University

12:15 p.m.? Concluding Remarks: Professor Michael Schmitt and Colonel Gary Brown


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