Monday, June 11, 2012

Chronicles of Itrenna

If the picture was cut off, just right click it -> copy image URL and paste it in your url bar to see it.
At least, that's how you do it in google chrome.

Forgive me if you have slow internet. There's a 2.81mb image I used for a pretty introduction. :p

The Mechanics

Okay look so I know there's a LOT of information here. But you don't have to read it all! I promise. All you really need to read is the mechanics, the setting, and the rules. Anything else is knowledge that isn't required, but benefits you.

This roleplay is just like any other open ended roleplays. Create any type of character you want- he can be a farmer, peasent, warrior, king, anything! I really don't care. Just make sure they respond and act accordingly to current events, such as the coming of the Sixth Dawn, or even international wars. As for myself, I'm not going to post as much as I should as my main character, rather I'll probably be posting on behalf of all of Itrenna to steer the roleplay towards the coming of the Sixth Dawn. Don't worry, no, I'm not going to kill your characters.

The Setting

Itrenna is a very stereotypical fantasy world. It's filled with magic, adventure, and many interesting topics to be touched on. There aren't a wide variety of races readily available, however you can still be anything you'd like. Just bear in mind the dominant species here are Humans. Anyone else is prone to unpredictable response, such as hate, alienation, ostracization, possibly even worship. Pre-Fifth Dawn species are generally looked down upon as weak, as Humans are arrogant and believe they will last much longer than their ancestors.

As for the landscape, all you must know is to the west: oceans. To the east: desert. To the south: mountains. To the north: crystal fields.

The Factions

There's an insurmountable variety of factions in Itrenna. Too many for me to even list them all, mainly because there are as many as you can dream up. So let me point out a few basic ones to you:

>>>The Empire [created by Paradigm]
The empire is a massive walled in city spanning hundreds of miles. They specialize in industry, creating and manufacturing goods, and have a well developed city life.

>>>The Collective [created by Paradigm]
The collective is a city built and administrated by scholars and mages. They specailize in scholarship, working with magicks, and any and all knowledge related subjects.

>>>The Enforcers [created by Paradigm]
The Enforcers, as the name indicates, is a military nation. They are the dominant force in Itrenna. They also appeared seemingly out of nowhere. They don't have a giant city, per se, but they do however have a massive fortress in the middle of Itrenna, and numerous outposts all over. They're the driving force behind the coming of the Sixth Dawn.

You can create any faction you'd like and I'll list it here! I'll also expand on existing factions.
Just fill this out and pm me it.
>>>(faction name)
(faction description)

The Rules

Right off the bat I want to point out I'm a reeeeeal lenient GM. There are only nine rules I want you to follow, and not all of them are truly rules. It looks like a lot, but please believe me when I say it isn't. You only have to read the main rules, not the exceptions. But I'd reccomend you skim over it all.

>>>1: My biggest rule that I enforce in all of my threads.. Be literate! You're a smart, educated person I have no doubt! But please take advantage of that and make well thought out, neatly constructed posts! It doesn't matter how much content you can fit into a post, but what does matter is that it looks nice, flows, and contributes to the roleplay.

>>>2: There is to be absolutely no "godmodding" "powerplaying" "autokilling" "autohitting" or any of the sort! I trust you all know what these are. There are exceptions, however.

    Exception a) You may autohit NPC characters. But don't take this to the extreme. Don't go around randomly killing NPC's unless you're ready to face the consequences. Roleplay actions have roleplay consequences that mimmick real consequences. Kill an NPC? You're going to have people hunting you down. This can very from an angry mob with pitchforks to an entire city full of guards. Post smart.

    Exception b) Small autohits are alright. Things like slapping, posting, grabbing a characters hand and pulling them, pushing them, etcetera. Why? Because it would require a bunch of short one-liners to accurately give every character time to react to these, and they don't do harm.

    Exception c) Me, or any other GM's that I may or may not appoint, reserve the right to do things in the roleplay that others may not, such as creating huge plot shifts, or massive changes to the roleplay. Things like the fall of nations, the creation of armies, etcetera.

>>>3: As in all of my roleplays I don't create posting minimum or maximum requirements. I don't mind if you post three liners, or three paragraphs. As long as you're not disrupting the flow of the roleplay, and are able to convey enough content and meaning for other roleplayers to work with, than by all means post any length you want, as fast as you want. There is no posting order, either. I feel that these limit the speed at which a roleplay can grow.
    Exception a) I don't want you posting one or two liners. That's simply not putting any effort forth. You may do it, if it is absolutely necessary, but it should not be. But I understand writers block and how severe it can get.

    Exception b) Don't post twice in a row, or overtake other roleplayers and slip in a post every time someone else does it. (player a posts, player b posts, player a posts, player c, a, d, a, b, a, c.. you get the idea. Player a is completely overdoing it.)

>>>4: This isn't necessary but I highly reccomend you plan battles between player characters. It smooths things out and keeps things flowing, and creates a more friendly environment!

>>>5: Don't be afraid to ask questions in the OOC! Form plot twists, plans, grand designs, anything you want! I don't even care if it's simply friendly chatter, have fun with it and create a friendly environment. I'm going to try to keep the OOC thread up to date with lots of healthy information about the roleplay, as well, so it'll probably pay to get familiar with it. This isn't really a rule, this is just advice.

>>>6: Like many of my roleplays, this has a completely flexible plot. There is not one set in stone prophecy we have to follow. I give you a universe. You make what you want out of it. One of my earlier roleplays, The Wastelanders, went on for thousands of posts on this very prospect, and never once did it get boring. (although I regret letting it die. Writers block, depression and a busy outside life really get in the way of roleplaying ): ) So feel free to do whatever you want.

>>>7: Please try to post at least once a week.

    Exception a) You can notify me if you're leaving the roleplay for a while, that's fine. Just make an exit for your character.

>>>8: Romance.. this is a pretty heavy subject in roleplays. I don't want crazy explicit stuff going on within the roleplay, so keep that to PM's. I would also enjoy if you would try to keep the roleplay from turning completely romance, I like the adventure prospect.


The Characters

So now that you're familiar with what's going on, where we are, and what rules we need to follow, what kind of character should you make? Any type you want. I don't care what kind of character sheet you use, but it must include the following: Name(s), Age, Gender, Race, Appearence.

Anything else is a bonus. I'd rather you not elaborate TOO deeply on personality, history, likes, the sorts. I like discovering these in the roleplay.

That's all for now.. I'll add and remove stuff as I see fit!

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