Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Am Adopted: My Forever Family

Father's Hand


Father of the fatherless and protector of widows

is God in his holy habitation.

God settles the solitary in a home;

Psalm 68:5-6a


More than ever before, in this society of broken marriages and single mothers, we are a nation of the fatherless.

In 2009 Unicef estimated that there are over two million orphans in the United States alone. Over two million orphans.

They are waiting. In foster homes, in orphanages. Waiting.

Waiting for fathers.

?A lot of times kids in adoptive situations know their mom, and have a connection, but sometimes dads are more elusive? God being a Father to the Fatherless means so much in filling the gaps of the father they never had. Being the strong rock in their life, the foundation to build on, and (a) male figure they can rely on as they seek relationship with Him.? ? Brittany, adoptive mother

Yet even those with fathers physically present in their lives may have wounds. Our earthly fathers are sinners too.

As adopted children of God, we know that He is our perfect Father, with only our best interests at heart, disciplining us when needed, but ever forgiving, always loving.


Orphans have a need for forever families which was put there by God Himself. It?s a need that we all have. To belong and be loved; to be part of a family.

God knows that we don?t do well alone (Genesis 2:18, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

You and I, adopted into the family of God, have found our forever family. We are Jesus? brothers and sisters (Matt 12:50). We are now in a household of faith (Galatians 6:10).

When we choose Christ, God sets us in a new family, of which He is the perfect head.


?just as the Good Shepherd longs to see the return of just one who is lost, He desires to see the solitary and lonely in their own ?flock? with those who will love and care for them. ? Christina, adoptee and adoptive mother

I have seen the passion of adoptive parents. The desire they have to bring the children they know God has prepared for them into their forever families becomes a mission.

That passion is but a small reflection of the passion the Lord has for orphans.

You shall not afflict any widow or orphan. Exodus 22:22

He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows His love for the alien by giving him food and clothing. Deuteronomy 10:18

Learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17

Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these, you did it unto Me. Matthew 25: 45

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27

As people made in His image, we are to imitate our Heavenly Father. This passionate adoptive mom says it well:

?This passage doesn?t simply give an example of God?s ?character? if you will, but it is God leading by example?doing first what He expects His people, His church to do.? It gives us a concise ?road-map? to follow as to how we are to care for widows and orphans. We are not to just sit in the pews and talk about caring for them.? We have to go into the places where they are, which are Holy to God.? We have to actively seek them out, just as He does.? We have to meet them at the point of their need and lead them to God, who can meet each and every need they have. In doing so, they are part of a family of believers and are no longer alone.? ? Christina, adoptee and adoptive mom

As adopted children of God, we are no longer fatherless! He is the head of our forever family of brothers and sisters in Christ. And like Him, we must go into the world, serving the hurt and lonely, bringing them into our earthly and heavenly families to share in our eternal inheritance in Christ.

They are waiting.


How much does God care about each and every one of his children?
Watch this precious video of one family?s journey into each other?s arms.

Take special note of the expressions on Mikhail?s little face. And get your kleenex!
(shared with permission)

If you can?t see this email in your feed click here.
A happy footnote: Mikhail (now 8) and his parents are flying to Russia soon to pick up Lukas, Mikhail?s new forever brother!


What about you? What are your thoughts about being a member of a forever family in Christ and serving the orphans of the world? Share here.

I am Adopted
photo credit

God has transformed Patti from a frightened young woman into a truly joyful mama. She is passionate about encouraging women to seek hard after Jesus and receive freedom to enjoy the life they have been given. Patti writes at joyfulmama.com.

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Source: http://donotdepart.com/i-am-adopted-my-forever-family

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