Thursday, January 26, 2012

In GOP response, Daniels blames Obama for economy (AP)

WASHINGTON ? President Barack Obama has resorted to "extremism" with stifling, anti-growth policies and sought to divide Americans, not unite them, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels said Tuesday in the formal Republican response to the president's State of the Union address.

Eight months after deciding against a bid for his party's presidential nomination, Daniels used his nationally televised speech to lash out at Obama and cast the GOP as compassionate and eager to unchain the country's economic potential.

He took particular aim at Obama's efforts to raise taxes on the rich and castigate them for not contributing their fair share to the nation's burdens. Joined by Republicans on Capitol Hill and the presidential campaign trails, the GOP goal was to both blunt and shift the focus away from Obama's theme on Tuesday of fairness, which included protecting the middle class and making sure the rich pay an equitable share of taxes.

"No feature of the Obama presidency has been sadder than its constant effort to divide us, to curry favor with some Americans by castigating others," Daniels said, speaking from Indianapolis. "As in previous moments of national danger, we Americans are all in the same boat."

"This election is going to be a referendum on the president's economic policies," which have worsened the economy, said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. "The politics of envy, the politics of dividing our country is not what America is all about."

Also drawing frequent GOP attacks were Obama's proposed tax increases, which included making sure millionaire earners pay at least a 30 percent tax rate.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., said Obama's proposals to boost taxes on the wealthy and give tax breaks for domestic U.S. manufacturers and others were "nothing more than the usual Washington game that has led to a tax code already littered with lobbyist loopholes."

Daniels is a rarity in the GOP these days ? a uniting and widely respected figure, contrasting with the divisiveness emanating from the contest for the presidential nomination being waged among former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and others.

President George W. Bush's first budget chief and a two-term Indiana governor, Daniels often rails against wasteful spending big budget deficits, though critics note he served during the abrupt shift from fleeting federal surpluses to massive deficits early in Bush's term.

"When President Obama claims that the state of our union is anything but grave, he must know in his heart that this is not true," Daniels said. He added that while Obama did not cause the country's economic and budget problems, "He was elected on a promise to fix them, and he cannot claim that the last three years have made things anything but worse."

The night's rhetoric come at the dawn of a presidential and congressional election year in which the defining issues are the faltering economy and weak job market and the parties' clashing prescriptions for restoring both. Obama and congressional Democrats have focused on the more populist pathway of financing federal initiatives by taxing millionaires, while Republicans preach the virtues of less regulation and smaller government.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called Obama's address "a campaign speech designed to please his liberal base," and warned that he should keep legislation advancing his priorities "free from poison pills like tax hikes on job creators."

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who heads large group of House conservatives, said Obama's speech was riddled with "the ridiculous idea that America isn't fair because successful people get to keep too much of the money they earn."

Republicans fired back at Obama's vision of "an economy built to last," saying it was their party that understood the best way to trigger economic growth was to get the government out of the way.

"The extremism that stifles the development of homegrown energy, or cancels a perfectly sane pipeline that would employ tens of thousands, or jacks up consumer utility bills for no improvement in either human health or world temperature, is a pro-poverty policy," Daniels said.

Obama has halted, for now, work on the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline from western Canada to Texas' Gulf Coast. Republicans say the project would create thousands of jobs, a claim opponents say is overstated. The administration has also pursued policies aimed at reducing pollution and global warming.

To underscore Obama's decision on Keystone, Boehner invited three officials from companies he said would be hurt by the pipeline's rejection to watch the speech in the House chamber, along with a pro-pipeline legislator from Nebraska, through which the project would pass.

Obama was delivering his address during a rowdy battle for the GOP presidential nomination that has ended up providing ammunition for Obama's theme of fairness.

That fight has called attention to the wealth of one of the top contenders, Romney, and the low ? but legal ? effective federal income tax rate of around 15 percent that the multimillionaire has paid in the past two years. Romney, in Florida campaigning for that state's Jan. 31 primary, released his tax documents for the two-year period on Tuesday.

"The president's agenda sounds less like `built to last' and more like doomed to fail," Romney said in Tampa, Fla. "What he's proposing is more of the same: more taxes, more spending, and more regulation."

Romney's chief rival at this point, Gingrich, said in a written statement that the top question about Obama's speech was whether he "will show a willingness to put aside the extremist ideology of the far left and call for a new set of policies that could lead to dramatic private sector job creation and economic growth."


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Video: State of the Union: Taxes, Jobs & the Economy

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Actor James Farentino dies of heart failure at 73 (AP)

LOS ANGELES ? Actor James Farentino, who appeared in dozens of movies and television shows, died Tuesday in a Los Angeles hospital, according to a family spokesman. He was 73.

Farentino died of heart failure at Cedars-Sinai Hospital after a long illness, said the spokesman, Bob Palmer.

Farentino starred alongside Kirk Douglas and Martin Sheen in the 1980 science fiction film "The Final Countdown." The movie featured a modern aircraft carrier that travels back in time to Pearl Harbor hours before the Japanese attack.

Farentino also starred opposite Patty Duke in 1969's "Me, Natalie."

In 1967, he won a "Most Promising Newcomer" Golden Globe for his performance in the comedy "The Pad and How to Use It."

He also had recurring roles on "Dynasty," "Melrose Place," "The Bold Ones: The Lawyers" and "ER," playing the estranged father to George Clooney's character.

In 1978, he was nominated for an Emmy for his portrayal of Saint Peter in the television mini-series "Jesus of Nazareth."

A four-time divorcee, Farentino's tumultuous personal life made headlines, too.

In March 1994, he pleaded no contest to stalking his ex-girlfriend Tina Sinatra, daughter of Frank Sinatra.

In 2010, the actor was arrested at his Hollywood home on suspicion of battery when he tried to physically remove a man from his home.

Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., in 1938, Farentino is survived by two sons, David and Saverio.


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Painting Barbie Into Famous Artworks Is Cool But Creepy [Art]

Have you ever wondered what the Venus de Milo would look like if it had been modeled on Barbie? Err, no, me neither. But now you have the answer anyway: creepy. More »


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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

IMF slashes world growth outlook as euro zone weighs (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? The euro zone debt crisis is escalating and dragging down the world economy, the International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday, as it sharply cut its outlook for global growth and called for policies to restore confidence.

The IMF chopped its 2012 forecast for global growth to 3.3 percent from 4 percent just three months ago, saying the outlook had deteriorated in most regions. It projected world growth would strengthen to 3.9 percent in 2013.

The Washington-based lender said economic activity was decelerating but not collapsing. However, it warned that global growth would come in about 2 percentage points below its already soft forecast if European leaders allowed the crisis to fester.

For the first time since the debt turmoil erupted two years ago, the IMF said the 17-nation euro zone would likely slip into a mild recession in 2012, with output contracting by about 0.5 percent.

"The global recovery is threatened by intensifying strains in the euro area and fragilities elsewhere," the IMF said in its latest World Economic Outlook report.

"The most immediate policy challenge is to restore confidence and put an end to the crisis in the euro area by supporting growth while sustaining adjustment, containing deleveraging, and providing more liquidity and monetary accommodation," it added.

The IMF maintained its 1.8 percent growth forecast for the United States in 2012, but cut its projection for Japan to 1.7 percent from 2.3 percent in September.

It said economic activity in advanced economies would expand by 1.5 percent on average in 2012 and 2013, too sluggish to make a major dent in high unemployment rates.


The IMF said the United States and other advanced economies would likely not escape unharmed if Europe's crisis escalated further.

Talks between private bond holders and the Greek government have foundered, raising the risk Athens could face a messy default that would touch off a deeper crisis. IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde has called on Europe to bolster its rescue funds to erect a wall against financial contagion.

"The United States and other advanced economies are susceptible to spillovers from a potential intensification of the euro zone crisis, and have homegrown challenges ... including overcoming political obstacles," the IMF said.

The fund projected a sharp slowdown in the pace of growth in emerging and developing countries and urged them to focus policies to stimulate their economies.

It now projects growth in emerging economies to reach 5.4 percent in 2012, down from the 6.1 percent it forecast in September. It cut China's growth figure to 8.2 percent for 2012, down from 9.0 percent. Chinese growth should rebound to 8.8 percent in 2013, it added.

For fast-growing emerging Asia as a whole, the IMF reduced its growth outlook for 2012 to 7.3 percent from 8 percent.

Elsewhere, the IMF said growth in the Middle East and North Africa should accelerate, driven mainly by a recovery in Libya after a nine-month civil war ended with the capture and killing of leader Muammar Gaddafi in October.

The IMF said global oil prices would likely only ease slightly in 2012 despite slowing world growth. The Fund said its baseline oil price projection was broadly unchanged since September when it forecast $100 a barrel.

Non-oil commodity prices are set to fall by 14 percent this year, the IMF said, adding that risks to prices are to the downside for most commodities.

In Africa, the global slowdown is likely to be limited to South Africa, with the region as a whole expanding by around 5.5 percent this year.

The largest impact of the slowdown would likely be felt in central and eastern Europe, which has strong trade links with the euro zone economies, the IMF said. It revised down its estimate for the region to 1.1 percent in 2012 from a previous forecast of 2.7 percent. Growth should edged up to 2.4 percent next year, the IMF added.

(Editing by Neil Stempleman and Tim Ahmann)


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Egypt army pardons 1,959 detainees, prominent activist (Reuters)

CAIRO (Reuters) ? Egypt's military ruler has pardoned 1,959 people convicted by military courts in the year since President Hosni Mubarak's ouster, including activist Michael Nabil whose hunger strike had brought him close to death.

The state Al Nil television channel said the convicts had been pardoned by Hussein Tantawi, head of the military council that has ruled Egypt since Mubarak's removal in February 2011 in the midst of the Arab Spring protests that swept the region.

The pardon comes just four days before the first anniversary of the 18-day Egyptian uprising which began on January 25, though it was not clear if any of the detainees had yet been released.

Nabil, jailed by a military court for defaming the army, had his prison term reduced to two years from three in December following criticism from international human rights groups.

The 25-year-old was arrested in March and began a hunger strike to protest against his conviction for posting remarks saying the army had tried to quell the uprising against Mubarak.

The generals now ruling Egypt say the army took no part in a police crackdown on protesters and have pledged to hand over to civilian rule by June.

Activists say Nabil's case highlights the Egyptian army's heavy-handed approach to dissenters who criticize its top generals for using tactics reminiscent of Mubarak's regime.

"We can only say the revolution has succeeded when they release all activists, besides Michael, who are still being held in military courts and retry all civilians who have been prosecuted by courts they shouldn't have been prosecuted by," Nabil's brother Mark told Reuters.

No To Military Trials, a pressure group set up after the uprising, says at least 12,000 cases have come before the military courts since February. The group says sentences are often handed out swiftly behind closed doors and without proper legal representation.

It is not clear exactly how many activists and protesters convicted by military courts in the past year remain in jail.

The pardon comes as youth groups plan to hold major demonstrations to mark the anniversary of a revolt they say will not be complete until the generals hand power to civilians.

"The family has only received word of the decree but Michael is still in custody and they are waiting to hear of his movements," Mark Nabil said.

"The revolution must continue as long as any civilian is still being held unjustly in a military prison."

(Reporting by Lin Noueihed and Dina Zayed; editing by Myra MacDonald)


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Monday, January 23, 2012

SiriToggles Adds Siri Commands to Launch Apps and Control Settings on Jailbroken iPhones [Jailbreak]

SiriToggles Adds Siri Commands to Launch Apps and Control Settings on Jailbroken iPhonesiOS (Jailbroken): Siri can do a lot of things, but one thing iPhone 4S users have been wanting since the phone was released is the ability to launch apps and toggle settings. SiriToggles adds this ability to jailbroken iPhone's as a simple tweak.

SiriToggles integrates directly into Siri and you use the same way you normally use Siri. To toggle settings like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular data, you can use the phrase "enable/disable" or "turn on/off," followed by the setting you'd like to switch. You can launch any app by saying "launch app" followed by the app name. SiriToggles also adds a battery check and brightness change commands. SiriToggles is a free download and can be found by searching for SiriToggles in the BigBoss repository.

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Article by SupplierBusiness

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sonnen vs. Bisping is for title shot, but Chael says Silva will never fight him

Dana White released his first video blog for the card on FX today. One interesting scene includes the UFC president dealing with the withdrawal of Mark Munoz from the UFC on Fox 2 card. White is getting ready to release news of the new Chael Sonnen-Michael Bising fight and says the winner will get a title shot against the currently sidelined UFC middleweight champ Anderson Silva.

White must know something Sonnen doesn't because the outspoken contender sounds pretty sure he'll never face Silva.

"I'm not going to fight Anderson either way. They can say whatever they want. Anderson is never going to do that fight," Sonnen told "The MMA Insiders" show last week on Las Vegas' ESPN1100/98.9 FM. "I hope he's healthy and has a good life, but I'm not buying into this mythical world that Anderson is going to some day sign a contract to fight me."

During today's UFC on Fox 2 conference call, Sonnen reiterated his theory and said Silva turned down the fight to their boss' face.

"He even said no to (UFC executive) Lorenzo Fertitta's face. Face-to-face, not over the phone ? Lorenzo brought him out, sat him down, and said, 'This is the fight we want.' And Anderson said no," said Sonnen.

Sonnen knows management isn't pleased and questions the severity of Silva's back and shoulder injuries.

"They're not happy about it. The message to Anderson was this ' Chael is the opponent for you. You can fight him or you can't fight nobody. He elected to fight nobody,'" said Sonnen. "Dan Henderson said it perfectly, if the right opponent comes up, all of Anderson's injuries will go away."

Silva's next opponent will be known next Saturday night. A date and location is completely up in the air until Silva announces when he can officially return.


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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bring Back The DRAGONS! [RP's Needed]

We humans did a horrible thing. We killed all the dragons. But there's two left, brothers in fact, and they've found their own planet. Unfortunately, they were never good at compromising. The one became evil, one good. They live on separate sides of the planet. They are calling all dragons to come and join them, to prosper, and bring back the dragons.


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Why bats, rats and cats store different amounts of fat

Friday, January 20, 2012

Animals differ in the amount of fat they carry around depending on their species, status and sex. However, the causes of much of this variation have been a mystery. The Bristol study shows that many differences can be understood by considering the strategies animals employ to avoid two causes of death: starvation and being killed by predators.

These causes of death often exert opposite pressures on animals, for example, storing lots of fat helps animals survive periods without food but also slows their running and so makes getting caught by a predator more likely. Animals can be stronger to compensate, but the energetic costs of extra muscle mean that the animal would starve quicker during a food shortage.

Led by Dr Andrew Higginson of Bristol's School of Biological Sciences, the researchers used mathematical models to explore how much muscle and fat animals should have in their body to give themselves the best chance of survival. They showed that an important consideration was how much carrying fat increases the energetic costs of movement. The models revealed that the size of this cost influenced whether larger animals should have more fat than smaller animals, or vice versa.

Dr Higginson said: "Our results explain differences between different families of mammal. For example, larger bats carry proportionally less fat than small bats but larger carnivores carry more fat than small carnivores. Among rodents, it's the medium-sized species that carry around the most fat! These differences agree with the models predictions if you consider the costs of carrying fat for these three groups. Bats fly and so have high costs of carrying extra weight, whilst carnivores spend much of their time resting and so will use less energy than busy scurrying rodents."

The work, published in The American Naturalist, also shows that much of the variation between animals in their amounts of fat and muscle can be explained by differences between the sexes, how much animals have to fight to get food, and the climate in which they live.

The researchers plan to put the theory to the test by looking in more detail at the amounts of fat stored by different animals. If their theory is correct, much of the mystery in how species and sexes differ in their amount of fat will have been solved.


University of Bristol:

Thanks to University of Bristol for this article.

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Friday, January 20, 2012

The story behind SOPA?PIPA is campaign money and lots of it (Americablog)

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Khloe Kardashian undergoes fertility treatment

Khloe Kardashian Odom is already a doting aunt. And now she's ready to be a doting mom.

A source close to the Kardashian family confirms to E! News that the married reality star is currently seeing a fertility specialist in her new adopted hometown of Dallas.

MORE: See inside Khloe and Lamar's new Dallas pad!

According to the source, Khloe is "trying very hard" to get pregnant with the help of fertility treatments, though there's no word on what treatments, exactly, the 27-year-old has been undergoing and for how long, be it fertility drugs or hormones or various other procedures.

However, Lamar Odom's wife of two years is said to be "actively working" with a specialist.

For her part, Khloe has always been open about her desire to start a family.

MORE: Kim speaks out on "ridiculous" Khloe paternity rumors

Shortly after their one-year anniversary, back in the fall of 2010, Khloe and Lamar told E! News that they were already working on adding to their family.

"We're on it right now," Lamar said. "And I'm having fun trying."

And just last month, a Twitter follower implored the "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" star to "please have beautiful babies soon!!" To which Khloe replied, "I'm waiting on the big man upstairs to bless us with that blessing ;)"

In the meantime, Khloe's been getting plenty of mothering practice, both as loving aunt to her adorable nephew Mason and as a stepmom to Lamar's three children from a previous relationship.

Meanwhile, she's already gotten a head start on nesting, having more than made a home in Dallas. But that doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate a good homecoming when it happens.

"So emotional!" she tweeted Monday, after Odom received a standing ovation from Lakers fans upon returning to his old turf for a Mavericks game. " This makes my face hurt from smiling!!!!! Such a proud wifey!" Aww.

PHOTOS: Fashion Spotlight: Khloe Kardashian Odom

? 2012 E! Entertainment Television, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Oops! Passengers incorrectly warned of crash

British Airways passengers were mistakenly told that the plane may need to make an emergency landing on water. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

By Joy Jernigan, senior travel editor

It was about 3 a.m. on a British Airways transcontinental flight when passengers heard an announcement that the plane was about to crash into the sea, The Telegraph reports.

But?the automated message?was a mistake, as crew members quickly reassured passengers.

"It was about 3 a.m. An alarm sounded and we were told we were about to land in the sea. I thought we were going to die," one passenger onboard told?The Telegraph.? ?My wife was crying and passengers were screaming. Then they played an announcement telling us to just ignore the warnings."

The Friday night incident occurred as?Flight 206 was over the Atlantic Ocean enroute from Miami to London's Heathrow Airport.

A British Airways spokesperson told the newspaper: "The cabin crew canceled the announcement immediately and sought to reassure customers that the flight was operating normally. We apologize to customers for causing them undue concern."

In August 2010, passengers on another British Airways?flight from London's Heathrow Airport to Hong Kong also were mistakenly warned they were about to crash. The error was blamed on a crew member who hit?an incorrect?button.

"Who knew they had that kind of prerecorded announcement ready to go onboard?the aircraft?" NBC's Brian Williams reported at the time.

More on Overhead Bin



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Adele Responds To Reports Her Boyfriend Is Married

'This is the first and last time I will comment on the details of my relationship with Simon,' singer says in a blog post.
By Jocelyn Vena

Simon Konecki and Adele
Photo: Splash News

Adele knows the pen is mightier than the sword. After online reports suggested that her boyfriend Simon Konecki is still married to stylist Clary Fisher, the 21 singer quickly took to her blog to clear up any rumors about her relationship.

"This is the first and last time I will comment on the details of my relationship with Simon," she wrote on her blog. "Contrary to reports and headlines in the press today, Simon is divorced and has been for 4 years. Everyone in our lives separately and together wish us nothing but the best, and vice versa." Adele's 36-year-old boyfriend has a 5-year-old daughter with Fisher.

"These are the facts. Take care and see you all in February xx," she concluded.

Earlier this month, Adele and Konecki were spotted in Florida. And after surgery on her vocal cords, the Brit is currently readying a return to the stage next month with a rumored performance at the Grammys on February 12, where she is up for six prizes. With the bad comes the good for Adele. This week, she celebrates her 16th non-consecutive week at the top of the Billboard 200 for her year-old album, 21, tying with the massively successful "Titanic" soundtrack.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oil rises above $101 on positive China data, Iran

Oil advanced above $101 a barrel Wednesday, buoyed by positive economic data from China and continued concerns about diplomatic tensions with Iran and their potential effect on the flow of the region's oil exports.

By early afternoon in Europe, benchmark crude for February delivery was up 74 cents at $101.45 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract jumped $2.01 to finish at $100.71 on Tuesday.

In London, Brent crude was up 44 cents to $111.97 on the ICE Futures exchange.

China, the world's second largest economy, reported 8.9 percent growth in the fourth quarter, slower than the previous quarter but robust enough to indicate it would avoid an abrupt slowdown. Retail and factory production improved while oil demand was up 6.4 percent in 2011 from 2010, according to data cited by Barclays Capital.

Tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia, as well as a move by France to accelerate the EU's implementation of an embargo on Iranian oil export also supported prices, he said.

Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi has said Saudi Arabia wants to stabilize prices at $100 a barrel this year and was ready to pump more oil if needed. That came as Iran warned Gulf nations not to make up any shortfall and that it may shut the Strait of Hormuz which is used to transport about a fifth of the world's oil.

Iraq's oil minister, Abdul-Karim Elaibi, who is also the rotating president of OPEC, said he would travel to Iran on Thursday to convince Tehran to assure the world that the Islamic Republic will not close the Strait of Hormuz, the vital waterway through which about one-sixth of the world's oil flows.

A slower pace of oil demand growth forecast by the International Energy Agency helped cap gains.

The Paris-based IEA said global demand for crude would rise by 1.1 million barrels a day in 2012, while earlier it was expecting demand to increase by 1.3 million barrels a day.

The IEA also warned that the relatively narrow band in which oil prices have been moving lately was not necessarily a sign of market consistency.

"A sustained spell of oil price stability is often seen as a good thing," the IEA said in its monthly report on the oil market. "But if it derives from the 'rock' of potential economic slump on the one hand, and the 'hard place' of possible geopolitical turmoil on the other, that is scarcely a source of comfort."

Investors will also be monitoring fresh information on U.S. stockpiles of crude and refined products.

Data for the week ending Jan. 13 is expected to show builds of 2.6 million barrels in crude oil stocks and of 3 million barrels in gasoline stocks, according to a survey of analysts by Platts, the energy information arm of McGraw-Hill Cos.

The American Petroleum Institute will release its report on oil stocks later Wednesday, while the report from the Energy Department's Energy Information Administration ? the market benchmark ? will be out Thursday.

Both reports are being released a day later than usual because of Monday's Martin Luther King holiday.

In other energy trading, heating oil rose 0.16 cent to $3.0388 per gallon and gasoline futures rose 0.83 cent to $2.7796 per gallon. Natural gas advanced 2 cents to $2.508 per 1,000 cubic feet.


Eileen Ng in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Vote for best red carpet look at Golden Globes

By Kurt Schlosser

Another Golden Globe Awards ceremony is in the books. That means the only thing there's left to talk about is when you're going to see "The Descendants" or "The Artist" or "The Iron Lady" before the Oscars. Oh, and?who looked best on the red carpet.

We took a quick spin through the fashions earlier Sunday night with a live blog aimed at showing some of the arrivals before showtime. Seems we managed to capture at least a few of the favorites out there. TODAY style editor Bobbie Thomas was on point with her fashion-minded tweets throughout the red carpet, and we turn to her here for a critique of the top six looks of the night.

So check out Angelina Jolie, Evan Rachel Wood, Tilda Swinton, Paula Patton, Charlize Theron and Claire Danes. And at the bottom of this post, vote for your favorite ... or name someone else who you liked better in the comments.

Angelina Jolie: #HeadTurner -- she?s a master of simple elegance, the Atelier Versace was a flawless fit and her red lips were a perfect accent.

Getty Images

Evan Rachel Wood: #DontMissDetails -- always sleek and edgy, from sequins to feathers -- she pulls off a gorgeous textured "scaled" gown.


Tilda Swinton: #AvanteGarde -- a fashion favorite?and refreshingly original (as always) in a powder blue Haider Ackermann ensemble.

AP, Getty Images

Paula Patton: #Fresh -- the rising star was in sync with a bold new color, and popped on the red carpet in Monique Lhuillier.

Reuters, Getty Images

Charlize Theron: #RiskTaker?-- not afraid of a big fashionable bow, Theron was stunning in a softly structured Dior.

AP, Getty Images

Helen Mirren: #Timeless?-- the ever graceful talent Mirren sweeps the carpet in a midnight blue Badgley Mischka dress, proving style knows no age.

Getty Images

Who looked best on the Golden Globes red carpet?

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Angelina Jolie



(19,423 votes)

Helen Mirren



(8,856 votes)

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(6,363 votes)

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

[OOC] Pokemon: New generation

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SC rally marks MLK day with voting rights message

People take part in a march and rally at the Statehouse Monday Jan. 16, 2012 in Columbia, S.C. Hundreds of people rallied Monday outside the South Carolina capitol to honor the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and protest the state's voter identification law.(AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain)

People take part in a march and rally at the Statehouse Monday Jan. 16, 2012 in Columbia, S.C. Hundreds of people rallied Monday outside the South Carolina capitol to honor the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and protest the state's voter identification law.(AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain)

People take part in a march and rally at The Statehouse Monday Jan. 16, 2012 in Columbia, S.C. Hundreds of people rallied Monday outside the South Carolina capitol to honor the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and protest the state's voter identification law.(AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain)

Hundreds of people take part in a march and rally at the Statehouse, Monday Jan. 16, 2012 in Columbia, S.C. Hundreds of people rallied Monday outside the South Carolina capitol to honor the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and protest the state's voter identification law. (AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain)

Hundreds of people take part in a march and rally at The Statehouse Monday Jan. 16, 2012 in Columbia, S.C. Hundreds of people rallied Monday outside the South Carolina capitol to honor the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and protest the state's voter identification law. (AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain)

Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change security officer Kevin Baxter places a wreath at the crypts of civil rights leader the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and his wife Coretta Scott King, in Atlanta on Monday Jan. 16, 2012. King would have been 83 years old on his actual birthday, Jan. 15. (AP Photo/David Tulis)

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) ? Thousands commemorating the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday Monday outside South Carolina's capitol heard a message that wouldn't have been out of place during the halcyon days of the civil rights movement a half-century ago: the need to protect all citizens' right to vote.

A similar tone was struck at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where King preached from 1960 until his death. There and in South Carolina, speakers condemned the voter identification laws they said are meant to suppress black voter turnout.

For most of 13 years in South Carolina, the attention at the NAACP's annual rally has been on the Confederate flag that still waves outside the Statehouse. But on Monday, the civil rights group shifted the focus to laws requiring voters to show photo identification before they can cast ballots, which the group and many other critics say is especially discriminatory toward African-Americans and the poor.

South Carolina's new law was rejected last month by the U.S. Justice Department, but Gov. Nikki Haley vowed to fight the federal government in court. At least a half-dozen other states passed similar voter ID laws in 2011.

"This has been quite a faith-testing year. We have seen the greatest attack on voting rights since segregation," said Benjamin Todd Jealous, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The shift in tactics was also noted by the keynote speaker, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Last month, Holder said the Justice Department was committed to fighting any laws that keep people from the ballot box. He told the crowd he was keenly aware he couldn't have become the nation's first African-American attorney general without the blood shed by King and other civil rights pioneers.

"The right to vote is not only the cornerstone of our governance, it is the lifeblood of our democracy. And no force has proved more powerful, or more integral to the success of the great American experiment, than efforts to expand the franchise," Holder said. "Let me be very, very clear ? the arc of American history has bent toward the inclusion, not the exclusion, of more of our fellow citizens in the electoral process. We must ensure that this continues."

Texas' new voter ID law is currently before the Justice Department, which reviews changes in voting laws in nine mostly Southern states because of their history of discriminatory voting practices. Other states that passed such laws in 2011 included Alabama, Kansas, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Wisconsin.

Similar laws already were on the books in Georgia and Indiana, and they were approved by President George W. Bush's Justice Department. Indiana's law, passed in 2005, was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2008.

Critics have likened the laws to the poll taxes and tests used to prevent blacks from voting during the civil rights era. Supporters, many of whom are Republicans, say such laws are needed to prevent fraud.

"I signed a bill that would protect the integrity of our voting," Haley said in a statement welcoming Holder to South Carolina.

At the Atlanta church where King once preached, the Rev. Raphael G. Warnock said some in America disrespect King's legacy by "cutting off those for whom he died and the principles for which he fought."

He called voter ID laws an affront to the memory of the civil rights leader.

"You cannot celebrate Dr. King on Monday, and undermine people's ability to vote on Super Tuesday," Warnock said.

The King Day rally in South Carolina took place in the shadow of Saturday's Republican presidential primary. State NAACP President Lonnie Randolph said people should vote any time they can, but said his group is nonpartisan. He said officials wouldn't encourage its members ? a generally Democratic voting bloc ? to disrupt the GOP's process of choosing its nominee because "we don't do the mean things."

Jealous made one of the few references to the GOP field during Monday's rally, saying he was tired of attacks on the movement, such as cuts to education funding.

"And I'm real tired of dealing with so-called leaders who talk out of one side of their mouth about celebrating the legacy of Dr. King and then do so much out the other side of their mouth to block everything the man stood, fought and died for," Jealous said.

The King Day rally in South Carolina was first held in 2000 to call for the Confederate flag to come down off the capitol dome, and has continued after state leaders decided instead to place the flag on a 30-foot pole on the Statehouse lawn near a monument to Confederate soldiers.

The flag was mentioned Monday ? North Carolina NAACP president the Rev. William Barber called it a "terrible, terroristic banner" ? but it was not the focus.

The Confederate flag and voter ID laws are all examples of how blacks cannot stop fighting for civil rights, said 39-year-old Llewlyn Walters of Columbia, whose grandmother watched King speak and whose mother told him stories of the civil rights movement as he grew up.

"People's hearts and minds change, but then they forget. The movement was great, but that one single generation couldn't stop all the discrimination in this country any more than one single dose of antibiotic can fight a disease," Walters said.

In Washington, President Barack Obama and his family commemorated the day by helping to build bookshelves in a local school's library. The president said there was no better way to celebrate King's life than to spend the day helping others.

Obama's attorney general ended his speech on a positive note, saying Americans can't forget the progress this nation has made. After all, the nation elected a black president just 40 years after King was assassinated.

"In the spirit of Dr. King, let us signal to the world that, in America today, the pursuit of a more perfect union lives on," Holder said. "The march toward the Promised Land goes on, and the belief not merely that we shall overcome, but that, as a nation, we will all come together, continues to push us forward."


Associated Press writers Jessica Gresko in Washington and Errin Haines in Atlanta contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Monday, January 16, 2012

Russian space probe to crash on Earth within hours (AP)

MOSCOW ? A failed Russian probe designed to travel to a moon of Mars but stuck in Earth orbit will come crashing down within hours, the Russian space agency said Sunday.

Roscosmos said the unmanned Phobos-Ground will crash between 1641 and 2105 GMT (11:41 a.m. and 4:05 p.m. EST). It could crash anywhere along the route of its next few orbits, which would include Europe, southeast Asia, Australia and South America. The U.S., Canada and much of Russia are outside the risk zone.

A large part of each orbit is over water, and scientists have estimated that the risks of the probe crashing into any populated areas are minimal. Thousands of pieces of derelict space vehicles orbit Earth, occasionally posing danger to astronauts and satellites in orbit, but as far as is known, no one has ever been hurt by falling space debris.

At 13.5 metric tons (14.9 tons), the Phobos-Ground is one of the heaviest pieces of space junk ever to fall on Earth, and one of the most toxic too. The bulk of its weight is a load of 11 metric tons (12 tons) of highly toxic rocket fuel intended for the long journey to the Martian moon of Phobos. It has been left unused as the probe got stuck in orbit around Earth shortly after its Nov. 9 launch.

Roscosmos predicts that only between 20 and 30 fragments of the Phobos probe with a total weight of up to 200 kilograms (440 pounds) will survive the re-entry and plummet to Earth. It said all of the fuel will burn up entirely in the atmosphere.

The probe's fuel tanks are made of aluminum alloy and should melt early on re-entry, backing up the official assurances. If the fuel indeed burns on re-entry, the probe's dry weight of 2.5 metric tons (2.75 tons) puts it firmly in the league of the ordinary.

By comparison, NASA's Skylab space station that went down in 1979 weighed 77 metric tons (85 tons) and Russia's Mir space station that deorbited in 2001 weighed about 130 metric tons (143 tons). Their descent fueled fears around the world, but the wreckage of both fell far away from populated areas.

The $170-million Phobos-Ground was Russia's most expensive and the most ambitious space mission since Soviet times. The spacecraft was intended to land on the crater-dented, potato-shaped Martian moon, collect soil samples and fly them back to Earth, giving scientists precious materials that could shed more light on the genesis of the solar system.

Russia's space chief has acknowledged the Phobos-Ground mission was ill-prepared, but said that Roscosmos had to give it the go-ahead so as not to miss the limited Earth-to-Mars launch window.

Its predecessor, Mars-96, which was built by the same Moscow-based NPO Lavochkin company, also suffered an engine failure and crashed shortly after its launch in 1996. Its crash drew strong international fears because of some 200 grams of plutonium onboard. The craft eventually showered its fragments over the Chile-Bolivia border in the Andes Mountains, and the pieces were never recovered.

The worst ever radiation spill from a derelict space vehicle came in January 1978 when the nuclear-powered Cosmos 954 satellite crashed over northwestern Canada. The Soviets claimed the craft completely burned up on re-entry, but a massive recovery effort by Canadian authorities recovered a dozen fragments, most of which were radioactive.

The Phobos-Ground also contains a tiny quantity of the radioactive metal Cobalt-57 in one of its instruments, but Roscosmos said it poses no threat of radioactive contamination.


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Heather Locklear Update: Actress in Stable Condition, Will Be Okay

Heather Locklear is going to be okay.

The former Melrose Place and Spin City star was hospitalized yesterday after her sister dialed 911 out of concern for Locklear's well-being, following what officials have described as abuse of prescription medication and alcohol.

Locklear, Heather

Fortunately, Locklear is now in stable condition. Hospital officials say she was sleeping comfortably by 8 p.m. PST and her parents have issued a statement that reads:

"She is in no danger and she's going to be just fine."

Phew. We wish the beautiful star a full recovery and hope she seeks the help it appears as though she needs.



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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gingrich hits Romney for knowing how to speak French (The Ticket)

During his college years in the 1960s, Mitt Romney spent two years as a Mormon missionary in France. Now, Newt Gingrich is trying to use that time abroad against him.

A new web ad released by Newt Gingrich's campaign titled "The French Connection" compares Romney to other politicians from Massachusetts, including former governor Michael Dukakis and Sen. John Kerry, both former Democratic presidential nominees. The "French Connection" of the ad's title? In a parting shot, the voiceover explains: "Just like John Kerry," the voice in the ad says, "he speaks French too!"

Pass the Freedom Fries, s'il vous plait?

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